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Home Supercars 10 Biggest Myths Busted of Rolls Royce Super Luxury Cars

10 Biggest Myths Busted of Rolls Royce Super Luxury Cars

Rolls Royce’s cars are the epitome of what luxury cars are. However, there have been some myths that have been floating around the internet. Here are 10 such myths that we try to bust today.

Myth: Spirit of Ecstasy is made up of pure silver

Specter’s hood ornament

This myth is not true. Yes, the Spirit of Ecstasy used to be silver-plated from 1911 to 1914 but it is now made up of stainless steel which is highly polished. The hood ornament comes on every Rolls Royce. Moreover, you can pay extra to get the Spirit of Ecstasy in 24-carat gold plating, silver or even an illuminated frosted crystal. In fact, Rolls Royce recently redesigned the mascot after 111 years. It will feature on the upcoming Specter which is the first all-electric Rolls Royce.

Myth: Never been recalled

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

At the end of the day, Rolls Royce’s cars are also machinery. So, there could be a human error and we know that no man-made machine can be perfect but they can be very close to perfect. It is not like Rolls Royce has not been recalled. They have recalled the Ghost and even their flagship Phantom.

Myth: They always made luxury cars

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Nope, this myth is also not true. In fact, Rolls Royce started by building rally cars. Earlier, manufacturers entered into rallies to prove their reliability and product. So, the vehicles performed in endurance races to prove that they have good quality engines. It was a time when “What wins on Sunday sells on Monday” held true.

Myth: They never break down

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Every man-made machine has a chance of breaking down. We have already covered that Rolls Royce has recalled some of its vehicles. So, it is not like their vehicles cannot have a breakdown. But yes, Rolls Royce vehicles are comparatively more reliable than other vehicles but that does not mean that they cannot face any issue. Some reports claim that at least 65 percent of Rolls Royce cars are still operating today.

Myth: Air conditioning has the cooling power of 30 refrigerators

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Rolls Royce has a big cabin and the air conditioning is specially designed to be as effective as possible without making excessive noise but that does not mean that it has the power of 30 refrigerators. It’s just a marketing gimmick.

Myth: Rolls Royce profiles their customers

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Earlier, there were rumors that Mallika Sherawat was rejected by Rolls Royce for buying a new car. It was being said that Rolls Royce studies the customers and then only let them buy the vehicle. Well, that is not true, as long as you have the money to pay for the car, Rolls Royce would sell you the vehicle. So, the media rumors about Mallika Sherawat were not true and she also came busted the rumors herself.

Myth: Rolls Royce badge color change from red to black

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

There is a myth that says that Rolls Royce changed the color of the badge from red to black to commemorate the death of Henry Royce. It seems like it is true but it is not. In fact, Rolls Royce themselves said that it was changed to black because the black badge just looked simply better. Moreover, feedback from customers was also taken and they also preferred the black badge. Customers also said that the red badge clashed with the color that was selected by the customers.

Myth: They aren’t used as taxis
10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

A car is called a taxi when it is used for a commercial purpose to transport people or goods. It is not like Rolls Royce vehicles are not being used as taxis. Many large organizations and even luxury hotels have kept Rolls Royce vehicles as taxis.

Myth: The only thing that you can hear in a Rolls Royce is the clock

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Yes, Rolls Royce vehicles are quiet but you cannot entirely block the engine noise. So, as the revs increase there would be some noise would enter the cabin. Having said that, Rolls Royce is known to use a lot of insulation in their vehicles. In fact, the new generation of Ghost uses over 100 kgs of insulation material. So, yes, Rolls Royce’s cabins are still one of the quietest cabins that you can ever sit in.

Myth: It is all British

10 biggest myths about Rolls Royce super luxury cars busted

Rolls Royce cars are assembled at their factory in the UK. However, even the luxury manufacturer needs to source some parts from different countries just like every other manufacturer. The aluminum body panels are welded together in Germany and then they are sent to the UK for final assembly.


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