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Home Wedding Cars Couple spends wedding night in a car searching for their missing dog

Couple spends wedding night in a car searching for their missing dog

Daniel and Rachel Munday during their wedding celebrations (L) and after finding Crash the dog (R) (Rachel Munday/SWNS)

A couple spent their wedding day searching for their missing puppy after he escaped when they were getting married.

Daniel and Rachel Munday also spent their first night as husband and wife sleeping in their car when cocker spaniel Crash gave their dog-sitter the slip.

Members of the wedding party walked around fields in Rutland, East Midlands, in their suits and dresses as they scoured woodland in the pouring rain looking for the missing puppy earlier this month.

Rachel, 32, from Cottersmore, Rutland, said: ‘By the time it got dark we settled in for the night and slept in our car ready to resume the search when it got light again.

‘We were really worried. Many times I was saying ‘am I in a dream?’ because it just didn’t feel real.

‘I thought this isn’t supposed to be how I spend my wedding day. It was all so surreal.’

Cars parked up during the search where the couple spent their wedding night (Rachel Munday/SWNS)

Rachel Munday’s sister and maid of honor Sammy holding Crash’s blanket during the search (Rachel Munday/SWNS)

The Mundays had tied the knot in Oakham, Rutland, at 1pm on May 14 before their big day took an unexpected twist when the dog-sitter contacted the maid of honour.

Crash had been for a walk but refused to get back in the van before dashing off into nearby woodland at around 11am.

By 4pm, family members, friends and guests all abandoned the celebrations to help look for the missing eight-month-old dog.

Rachel changed out of her flowing white sleeved gown and into a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms while Daniel, 37, remained in his shirt and braces.

Crash was still eluding them by sunset and Daniel and Rachel ended up sleeping for two hours in their car for their first night as man and wife.

The following day they enlisted the help of a drone operator Phil James who specializes in searching for lost dogs.

The dog was finally found with the help of a heat-seeking drone in a wooden area near the village of Ridlington, Rutland, at around 3pm.

Dozens of strangers also joined the search party after the family posted an appeal on Facebook.

Another dog sitter who joined the search suggested contacted Drone to Home, which volunteer Phil runs.

Crash the dog after being found. (Rachel Munday/SWNS)

Admin manager Rachel added: ‘It absolutely threw it down that day but when we found Crash he was completely dry and fine – unlike the rest of us.

‘We were just so relieved. We are so grateful to all the assistance we had from people. So many people offered to help.’

She said: “We later learned that was not the right thing to do, lots of people calling him. It probably only made him more scared.”

Crash was welcomed home with some wedding cake and was reunited with his half-sibling, Bobby.

Daniel and Rachel now plan to make up for their lost celebrations by having a belated wedding barbecue.

Daniel, a managing director of a precision engineering firm, added: ‘I thought finding Crash was only going to take 10 minutes, that he would end up coming to the wedding reception, and it would be a funny anecdote.’

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