Plans to transform an old Ayrshire supermarket have been given the green light.
The old Co-op store in Galston could be used for a range of different uses after a bid to have the class of the building altered was approved by East Ayrshire Council planners.
A supporting statement lodged with planners detailed that a significant portion of the Polwarth Street building will be used to house classic cars.
While the existing cafe will be reopened and a smaller section of the retail unit will be used as a shop.
The applicant, Stephen Hamilton of Gold Energy Ltd, has also applied for class 2 status (financial, professional or otherwise) on the first floor with the aim of renting the space out to a profession in this category.
And a class 5 application has been lodged for small industrial use (car repair, mechanical work, joinery) at the rear section.
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A supporting statement handed to local authority planners says Mr Hamilton has initial interest from a prospective lessee to occupy the majority of the ground floor.
A report confirming the application’s success reads: “Whilst the wide range of uses are understood to be broadly speculative with the applicant keeping their options open, a supporting statement has been submitted which explains that the applicant has interest from a lessee to occupy much of the ground floor of the premises.
“It is explained that the existing café (Class 3) will remain as a café with a smaller section of the retail unit being used as a shop (Class 1) The remainder of the existing retail area would be used for the storage of classic cars (Class 6) Class 2 on the first floor has been applied for and it is hoped that this may be rented out to a profession falling under this use.”
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