Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Wedding Cars Her letters: electric cars, Alex's portfolios and the district administration

Her letters: electric cars, Alex’s portfolios and the district administration

My brother and I drove his electric car to a wedding in Berkshire over the weekend.

Granted he forgot to bring the charging cable, but what to do to get there!

We ran out of cargo and had to slow down, 56 mph is apparently the most economical, and my brother said driving behind trucks to bridge the miles can also help.

The return trip was terrible.

We left the wedding at 10:15 p.m. but couldn’t find a place to charge the car.

The charger was broken in two places and only Tesla in a third.

Eventually we got a “quick” half an hour fee that almost got us back to Redditch before we needed another to get us home.

He finally dropped me off at 2:30 in the morning!

What a trip, and it had been a beautiful wedding, but all we could say was the terrible journey home.

E Fraser, Redditch

YOU seem to be paying close attention to the unsuccessful attempts by our MPs to secure a guaranteed return of the Garden Suite to the Alex.

I remember when they built the Alex. The modular design is designed for easy expansion with units that can be added as demand increases.

Now we have housing development all over the land behind the hospital and we plan to build more along Nine Days Lane and take advantage of the now vacant staff quarters on the site.

So all those dreams of expanding service in the 1980s are gone.

So also the maternity ward and the children’s accident and emergency ward and now the Garden Suite.

I have no doubt that the Health Foundation wants to keep the Alex, but what about all the facilities?

We are a big city with a young and growing population with more houses being built all the time.

We need a decent hospital with all the facilities and it is time our MEP recognized that.

J Robinson, Greenland

I would like to congratulate Matt Dormer on his appointment to the Worcestershire County Council Cabinet for the Community Portfolio. As this includes responsibility for open spaces in Worcestershire, I look forward to his meeting the commitments of the council and the Borough Green Infrastructure and Local Plan.

However, will he not come into conflict with weighing his new role as a protector of green spaces with his expressed support for the proposed change of use of Ipsley Meadow to a cemetery?

We look forward to developments.

M Jones, Redditch

Last week I took the opportunity to be one of the speakers during the public attendance at the County Hall council meeting.

My problem was the bad trade standards department in Worcestershire.

I have given specific information on important weight and measurement regulations.

It’s a problem that has been around for years. My concern is the continuing failure of trading standards to review and enforce consumer protection regulations.

P Bladon, Southcrest

CAN I comment on how crowded Arrow Valley Park was on Sunday?

The fine weather is all well and good, but the sidewalks were crowded and no one seemed to get out of their way.

There were strollers, dog walkers, lots of families and everyone would think there has never been a pandemic.

The new playground was just as full.

If football clubs need to limit participation in games, shouldn’t the council think the same for their parks?

D Lawrence, Matchborough

IT’S Volunteer Week! The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the national health organization Sue Ryder has been immense.

Not only did this have a financial impact on the charity, but it also meant our incredible volunteers were unable to support us due to national bans.

Sue Ryder has over 5,500 dedicated retail volunteers across the country and we have welcomed 125 new volunteers to Sue Ryder every week since we reopened our stores.

Our volunteers have worked over 200,000 hours for us since we reopened in April 2021, and this week we want to recognize the fantastic contribution they are making to Sue Ryder.

In fact, our hospices are only partially funded by the government, with an average of only 30 percent of their costs. Therefore, our team of retail volunteers plays a vital role in raising the remaining funds needed.

To make a difference as a Sue Ryder volunteer, please visit: for more information.

S Mitchell with Sue Ryder

IN THE UK we are fortunate to have running water on hand and food that can be delivered to our doorstep. But many of the world’s poorest communities rely solely on workhorses to transport water and provide food by plowing and bringing products to market.

Worldwide, more than 200 million work horses, donkeys, camels and elephants do the work of trucks, tractors and taxis in developing countries. These animals are a lifeline for poor families and ensure basic needs such as food and water.

But all too often the farm animals lack feed, water and vital veterinary care that they urgently need themselves.

At the animal aid organization SPANA (Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad), we run emergency feeding programs for undernourished animals in 28 countries and provide veterinary care for farm animals free of charge.

Please support these hardworking animals on International Working Animals Day on June 15 at

Dr. Ben Sturgeon, Director of Veterinary Services, SPANA


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