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Home Electric Cars Pollok youngsters learn about electric vehicles for Clean Air Day

Pollok youngsters learn about electric vehicles for Clean Air Day

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Pupils at St Monica’s Primary enjoyed finding out about the zero-emission car © Gibson Digital 2022.

Pupils from three classes at St Monica’s Primary queued up in the playground to check out the electric Renault Zoe, which belongs to the Co Wheels car club.

Environmental Protection Scotland allowed the youngsters behind the wheel and even safely plug in the vehicle’s electric power cable under the bonnet!

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The charity’s Policy Officer John Bynorth also gave a talk to three classes about Clean Air Day and the actions their households can take to reduce pollution by considering a switch to zero-emission vehicles and by walking or cycling instead of using traditional, more polluting cars.

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Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air quality campaign with more than 150 participating organizations in Scotland, from businesses to health and wellbeing charities and schools.

The campaign, which is in its sixth year, aims to show that simple actions, such as cycling or walking instead of using the car, cut air pollution and the resulting negative health impacts.

Whilst these actions are important to give people the agency to tackle air pollution, the campaign also recognizes the crucial role that decision makers play in creating clean air communities for all.

Mr Bynorth said: “We were delighted with the response from pupils and staff to our electric vehicle visit to St Monica’s Primary.

“By lunchtime, instead of playing football or games of tag in the playground, there was a long queue of pupils for a chance to cram into the car to find out what it’s like behind the wheel of an electric vehicle!

“I really enjoyed explaining to the children how they can plug in the cable to charge-up the vehicle and bust the myths that might be discouraging their households from considering electric vehicle ownership.

“The questions asked by the children were perceptive and showed a growing awareness of the environmental impacts of traditional, older, more polluting petrol and diesel vehicles and Low Emission Zones will improve health for city populations.

“It also highlighted the growing importance of car clubs that have electric fleets in our towns and cities as tools to reduce congestion, and pollution.

“Car ownership may be outdated by the time these children sit their driving test and car clubs using zero-emission vehicles, along with a modal shift to cycling, walking and use of public transport, will make our towns cleaner and improve air quality.”

Tony Archer, business development manager at Co Wheels car club, added: “We were delighted to support the Clean Air Day electric vehicle event at St Monica’s Primary.

“Using a car club car helps Scotland’s air quality by reducing the amount of CO2 emissions through reduced car ownership.

“Co Wheels have already made the journey down the electric car route – about 50 per cent of our cars in Scotland are already electric, bringing air quality benefits as people realize that they don’t need to actually own a car.”


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