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Home Wedding Cars Evangelisch compares the equality of marriage with the wedding of a Volkswagen

Evangelisch compares the equality of marriage with the wedding of a Volkswagen

Frank Wright (L) compared marriage equality to the wedding of a Volkswagen car. (Screenshot via Facebook / Getty Images)

An evangelical homophobe who likened marriage equality to a Volkswagen wedding was mercilessly ridiculed online.

Frank Wright, an activist with ties to an anti-LGBT + church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has been ridiculed for making the bizarre joke about queer people getting married.

According to the attorney, Wright compared people to cars after the city’s gay mayor Dean Trantali honored the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on its 60th anniversary last week.

Wright is president of the D. James Kennedy Ministries, named after the evangelical who founded Coral Ridge. Christian media work is listed as an anti-LGBT + hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

When a local newspaper brought this up while reporting on Trantali, D James Kennedy Ministries official John Rabe hosted a live Facebook chat with Wright the following day (March 18).

Wright wanted to reprimand for being a “hater” by hating LGBT + people for more than 30 minutes.

“The destruction of marriage isn’t really about sexuality, it’s a leftist idea, it’s a Marxist, socialist idea,” he began before saying that “the destruction of the family” [is] Step one for overthrowing the government […] or some form of democracy ”.

Thanks for the input, Wright.

“I hate to break them,” he added, “but many of our gay and lesbian friends have just been used by the left to destroy the historical definition of marriage and change the criteria to be just that of the Are love. “

“If two people love each other, or one guy and his Volkswagen, he loves his Volkswagen, he should be able to marry his Volkswagen.”

Wright also said that throughout history there have been “ex-gays,” those who “were in and out of the gay lifestyle.”

“Some of them, because they converted to Christ,” he continued, “we believe first and foremost […] that everyone needs conversion therapy. “

Well there you have it.

Of course, the weird notion that marriage equality is the same as the one being stopped with their car has sparked a backlash on social media.

Some weird Twitter users said they’d love to walk (or drive?) Their cars down the aisle, while others asked why Trantali honored the Church from the start.

My first car was a 1973 orange Volkswagen and I would totally marry her

– Lo (@liveandletdyke) March 22, 2021

Hmmm, I really loved my Jetta GLI….

– * Ugh * (@ scottyb972) March 20, 2021

Antigay Florida Activist: Same-sex marriage like marrying a Volkswagen

– TreyLA @ (@treyinla) March 20, 2021

Fort Lauderdale Mayor @DeanTrantalis offers a flat statement full of platitudes. The mayor wants love. How sweet. Meanwhile, Coral Ridge compared gay marriage to marriage with a car. Reconciliation! Time to repeal the proclamation. Are you doing the right thing. Https://

– The truth wins (@truthwinsout) March 19, 2021


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