Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Appeal after police cars from dangerously driven car in Yate. were rammed

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Did you see a silver Seat Leon being dangerously driven in Yate on Monday afternoon?

The driver rammed two police cars on Westerleigh Road shortly after 2:30 p.m. before driving off at high speed.

It was then driven dangerously on the A4174 in the direction of Keynsham, collided with several vehicles and turned the wrong way around a roundabout.

More units were deployed and followed the vehicle for a short distance before losing sight of it.

The police helicopter was also called for assistance but could not find it.

Fortunately, we have not received any reports of significant damage to vehicles or individuals with significant injuries.

Investigations to locate the driver of the vehicle and a wanted person seen in the vehicle are ongoing.

Anyone who has observed any part of the incident or has other information that could help us locate people in the vehicle are asked to call 101 and provide the call operator with reference 5221206396.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 percent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or using their anonymous online form.

No personal information is collected, information cannot be traced or recorded, and you do not have to go to court or speak to the police when contacting Crimestoppers.


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