Pune: Chatushrungi police are looking for a driver after his vehicle fatally hit motorcyclist Gangadhar Tanikonda, 35, from Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, while passenger Mangesh Jathar was seriously injured. The car and bicycle collided at high speed on Pashan Road at 2:10 a.m. on Saturday.
Chatushrungi Police Department Deputy Inspector Vishal Pawar said, “Tanikonda and Jathar, who currently reside in Dhanori, went to the Katraj area on the night of December 31st to meet some friends. After meeting their friends, they returned to Dhanori via Chandani Chowk. ”
“The car was heading towards Chandani Chowk from Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) Chowk while the motorcyclists headed in the opposite direction,” said Pawar.
“The motorcyclists reached the Chavannagar area on Pashan Road when a car that was moving too fast collided with their bike at high speed,” Chatushrungi police said.
Tanikonda’s brother Vidyadhari reported the driver to the police on Sunday. “The driver left the car and ran away from the place,” said the police.
According to the police, Tanikonda worked as a tech geek at a well-known software company in Pune City and Jathar was his colleague.