Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Latest Glowing car found on former Wigan Superstore site

Glowing car found on former Wigan Superstore site

A crew from the Wigan Fire Station was called in to make reports of the vehicle’s fire in a wasteland that formerly occupied the Morrison store near Makerfield Way, Ince.

The car, identified as the Ford EcoBoost, was still on fire when the fire department opened on Jan.

A spokesman said: “The car was in a pretty inaccessible place and should have been driven over grassland to get there. We had to park a long way away.

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The car was almost burned out when a crew was called to the scene

“The cause is undoubtedly being investigated. I can’t imagine the owner doing that with his own car.”

Anyone with details should call the police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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