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RV tips to find the perfect vehicle for a trip | Travel news | travel

Channel 5’s Million Pound Motorhomes explored some of the luxury options Brits can choose to pimp up their home on wheels. The program included tips from motorhome enthusiasts in order to find the perfect vehicle for a trip.

Celebrities love mobile homes because “you don’t have to put on any airs,” said one interviewee.

TV presenter Dominic Littlewood was on the show and fondly remembered the family motorhome vacations he took on every family vacation as a kid.

He told the audience: “I want a vehicle that I can use to spend a weekend with the Missus,” and added that he was looking for one in which he could take longer trips to Europe.

The journalist and presenter tested a vehicle and shared some “brilliant” tips that he discovered with the audience.

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When he arrived at his first destination, he said: “This is awesome. The first thing you would do is raise your roof because you just want the extra space to stand.

“Now it has a very clever design, because it actually has a bed, but of course you only want that down at night so that you have space in the meantime.”

The RV that Dominic tested was worth £ 45,000, but the vehicles can cost up to £ 85,000.

“I and the Missus will spend the night there. I could definitely see myself and the missus, how they liked it, ”said Dom in the sleeping area.


In addition to a retractable roof, Dom recommended that viewers opt for a motorhome with a good toilet system.

He said, “Let’s check the washroom. We were all banned from using the toilet in our motorhome because dad didn’t want to empty it. “

Dom remembered a time when he was secretly using the RV toilet and his father was angry but never found out.

A visit to a campsite with sanitary facilities is a good idea if RV owners do not want to empty the toilets.

Writer and singer Delilah Jay shared her utterly unique home on wheels.

Delilah’s face can be seen from all sides of the motorhome – even from the “Derriere”, according to the motorhome enthusiast.

The author has also added personal touches to the interior of the motorhome, including golden taps.

Used cars are cheaper than new ones, but Delilah warned that maintenance can be expensive.

Delilah bought her RV for £ 49,000 and then spent a whopping £ 20,000 on maintenance and repairs.

“Just take the plunge and do it,” said one of the show’s RV enthusiasts after traveling the world in his vehicle.


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