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The patient is forced to choose between medication and delaying road tax payments

One patient described how expensive drug prescriptions forced her to postpone paying her vehicle tax.

Michelle Griffin is taking five different types of medication the day after she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease four years ago.

The 50-year-old from Suffolk said her medication allows her to continue working and spending time with her family.

But Ms. Griffin said she “went without other things” to pay for her prescription prepayment. With this service, people can get as many prescriptions as they need for a set price over a period of three months or one year.

“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease four years ago. I take five different medications every day to relieve my symptoms,” said Ms. Griffin.

“I buy a prepayment slip for my prescriptions that can save me over £ 400 a year. Even to pay for this, I waived other things like delaying paying my road tax in order to get my medication.

“It is more important to me that I can work every day.

“Parkinson’s is progressive and there is currently no cure so I won’t get better.

“With my medication, I can do normal daily things, such as B. keep working and spending time with my family. This is certainly a basic human right that should not come at a cost.

“I am fortunate that I can currently still work and pay for my prepayment slip, but there are others who cannot and do not have to go without the right medication that they need.”

The Prescription Charges Coalition told PA News Agency that it was “very concerned” about people with long-term illnesses postponing their medication.

The coalition has urged the government to “urgently” review the list of prescription fee exemptions that entitle people with certain medical conditions to free prescriptions.

Laura Cockram, chair of the Coalition on Prescription Fee, which is also responsible for politics and campaigning at the UK charity Parkinson’s, told PA news agency: “The increase in prescription fees means there is an extra cost for people to stay healthy stay.

“For people with long-term illnesses, this means that people sometimes choose whether to take their vital medication that will keep them healthy or whether to actually eat.

“We heard about a woman named Zoe who lived with kidney disease. She was actually hospitalized twice, once she had a lumbar puncture, once an MRI scan, which aren’t cheap tests just because she couldn’t afford to make ends meet and actually to get her prescription by payday . “

She added, “We are very concerned about the Prescription Charges Coalition that people with long-term illnesses are being discouraged from getting their medication.

“It’s almost like a health tax or extra expense just to stay healthy.

“With a condition like Parkinson’s where you may take six or seven medications a day, it is a very difficult decision which prescription to take or what medications to take to stay healthy.”

Parkinson’s disease affects around one in 500 people – a condition in which parts of the brain become increasingly damaged over many years.

Symptoms include involuntary shaking, slow movements, and so on, as well as inflexible muscles.


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