Decorations are a part of Christmas and add a bit of shine to everywhere, but it is different with cars.
In fact, a few simple decorations that are becoming increasingly popular can result in huge fines, points on your driver’s license, and voiding your insurance.
The trendy tips and tricks are becoming increasingly popular thanks to social media.
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Now a warning has been issued to motorists to watch out for what seems harmless and entertaining but could prove to be an unexpectedly costly mistake by insurance and financial comparison website
Social media trends are picking up this Christmas, but this time it’s about drivers dressing up their vehicle, with lots of photos shared on Instagram and TikTok. But it could prove to be a costly mistake.
Many people use engine conversions to get them in the festive mood by hanging wreaths on the front or back of the car. The Christmas wreath is number one for festive car accessories with 3,495 pins on TikTok.
Christmas gift boxes on your roof rack with 2,319 pins, which show that people like to proudly display their expenses of the year, are just in second place.
While this creates a formidable Christmas display, auto experts recommend using empty cardboard boxes to avoid theft – and to avoid low bridges, overhanging branches, or other enclosed spaces.
In third place are Christmas lights with 1,040 pins and thousands of likes on TikTok, where the trend originated.
While a pimped-up engine cuts a fine figure at night and gives your wheelset the noticeable wow effect, you have to remember that according to the StVO and StVO, a motorist may not use a vehicle if their view of the road is obstructed “in any way” .
Any interior or exterior decoration that partially obscures your view of your surroundings could throw you into hot water with traffic cops, because you might miss other vehicles, pedestrians, signs or road hazards.
The fine is £ 100 on site but can go up to £ 1,000 and 3 points if you challenge the fine and then lose in court. You might also be expected to be stopped if you add a distraction in traffic, reports BirminghamLive.
And while decorating your drive for Christmas could earn you lots of likes on your social media platforms, if you had an accident it could void your car insurance, points out
Merely decorating your car with festive wrapping is considered a vehicle conversion that you must legally inform your car insurance company about.
So if you feel like making a TikTok with the hashtag #ChristmasCarWrap, it might be best to do it in your garage or on the drive, but no further.