After a traffic accident on the M1 on Thursday (May 20), two lanes were closed and traffic queues were built.
The incident, which reportedly involved a truck and car, occurred on the M1 southbound from junction 21 M69 Leicester to junction 20 A4304 Lutterworth Road.
The emergency services were at the scene of the incident, in which lanes one and two were closed shortly after 6.30 p.m.
Highways England tweeted: “Traffic from # M1 southbound # J21 (# M69 # Coventry # A5460 # Leicester) to # J20 (# A4303 # Lutterworth # Rugby) has been temporarily stopped due to a serious collision.
“Traffic officials are on their way to the area.
“Overload builds on the approach.”
According to the Inrix traffic management system, one lane has since been reopened: “Two lanes have been closed and traffic has been queued due to an accident. A truck and car were on the M1 southbound from J21 M69 (Leicester) to J20 A4304 Lutterworth Road (Lutterworth).
“Lanes one and two (of three) are closed.”
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