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Home Latest Uninsured driver had cannabis in his car and failed due to a...

Uninsured driver had cannabis in his car and failed due to a drug wipe

A driver stopped in the village of St Neots, Abbotsley, was arrested after being found having cannabis in his car and subsequently failing a drug wipe.

It was also discovered that the arrested motorist had no insurance after the rural crime patrol was carried out by the Huntingdonshire Police’s St Neots Neighborhood Policing Team.

The incident was reported on the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Road Police Department’s official Twitter account @roadpoliceBCH this morning at 12:10 p.m.

It read: “RP34 Abbotsley – @ HuntsCops # StNeotsNPT saw a suspicious vehicle while on a rural crime patrol and when it stopped it found cannabis and the driver was found uninsured, including a failed drug deletion. One under arrest. @ fatal5uk @ DrugWipeUK @ DriveInsured 6461 5606. “

In 2019, England and Wales saw an increase in the number of prosecutions for driving for exceeding the specified controlled drug use limit in England and Wales, according to a 2020 report by the Department of Justice.

Prosecutions for substance abuse rose from 9,687 in 2018 to 11,614 in 2019, while drink-driving figures were 33,634 and 34,713, an increase of three percent.

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